The Concept

Don’t Eat for Winter is based on two key premises:

  1. Foods harvested in late summer & autumn are designed, by nature, to facilitate fat storage, in order to give humans and animals their best chance at surviving the food shortages and cold of winter.
  2. The fact that these autumnal foods are so readily available all year around, creates a recipe for perpetual weight gain in order to prepare us for a winter that never comes!

Getting fat is a talent! In the animal kingdom, there are many examples of creatures, such as squirrels, that gain weight during autumn months in order to survive the winter. Some animals have evolved to hibernate during the coldest, most barren months of winter.  Although human beings do not hibernate, we evolved in the same ecosystems as these animals, and no matter how much we try to separate from, and subdue, nature, we are still very much connected to it.

Don’t Eat for Winter suggests that the types of foods that become available in autumn are designed, by nature, to fatten us up in order to survive winter.   The major types of food that become available are carbohydrates or carbs for short (eg fruits, cereal crops, potatoes, root vegetables, legumes etc).

There’s no Starch in March

Following is a graph of the availability of such foods over the course of the year.





Nature moderated our consumption of carbs so the weight gain was only temporary. The stick men in the above graph give an indication of this cycle.

Today, weight gain is chronic because carbs are available 365 days a year and our ancient survival abilities to put on weight are being invoked every day because our bodies assume winter is coming all of the time.  We cannot overcome instincts easily, especially if we are ignorant to the fact that they are being tested, daily.

Piling on weight over weeks, months, and years, indefinitely, was never the intention of nature. Nature used to moderate the types of food we could eat based on whatever was “in season”, and gave us the perfect balance of foods required for our survival at any given moment in time. Without this natural moderation, weight gain has become chronic and poses serious health risks, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure) and heart disease, as well as creating all sorts of other physical problems and self-esteem issues.

There is mounting evidence that low-carbohydrate diets are key to losing weight and are also healthy too.  Bodybuilders, the masters of cutting body fat have been using such techniques practically for decades to exceptional effect. Don’t Eat for Winter presents the fundamental reason WHY low-carb diets work and gives an in-depth account of how to manage your diet on a day to day basis in order to reveal the natural version of yourself.  Your DNA is a treasure chest with the blueprints to the best version of you, this book gives you the key to unlocking them.

The goal of Don’t Eat For Winter is to facilitate weight loss through precision eating of carbohydrates without restricting natural foods (because all natural foods are full of essential nutrients), and to select food combinations that do not simulate our autumnal urges to over eat and our body’s ability to store fat (unless you want to gain weight that is!).

The DEFoW Diet™ details the method and once you begin applying it you set yourself on course to becoming the ultimate you.

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Cian Foley is a Software Engineer from Waterford, Ireland and also a 2 time European, pan-American and World amateur kettlebell champion. Cian was a 115kg (256lb) obese 35 year old and has completely transformed into to a fit and healthy 78kg athlete through his 8 year journey of discovery around nutrition and exercise. He now competes as a natural bodybuilder at the age of 43 to prove that it is never too late to get into great shape without the use of steroids.